Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Something that is so so important is communication with parents and keeping them in the loop with what is happening in the classroom.

Every Friday I am sending out an email explaining up coming notices and what they need to help their children prepare for.

I have found that this helped the children have everything they need at school. My only issue is that I am unsure of how many parents are reading this email.

We also have a large whiteboard that we sit outside the classroom door with the upcoming events for each day on it. This is great for parents to see as they come in and it caters for those parents who do not have an email address.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Writing Buddies

Something I am finding is that teaching time goes so quickly! I find it so hard to meet with my writing groups and conference with them.

I have some very capable writers in my room and I have some children that find this such a challenge.

Something that I am trialing is a system called 'writing buddies.' I met with my more capable writers and we talked about how we could help our peers and what our goals could be. I formatted their ideas in an order and put this on a check list. The children keep this with them when they meet with their buddies and help guide their writing. I selected only a few children to see how this works.

So far it is working well. Some children are really embracing the leadership role this is giving them.

Next year I might simplify this but have the whole class working with a buddy to conference with.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Handwriting Incentive

I have recently noticed the children's focus and care slipping a bit during Handwriting time. It is clear that some children are not producing their best work during this time.

I have decided to include more management strategies to increase the positive reinforcement in my room. Each Handwriting session there is an incentive for those children with their neatest work and who have been following instructions beautifully to receive a handwriting brag tag. They also get to sit out of Handwriting the next time and they use the Handwriting app (School Fonts: Learn to Write).I feel that it is important to reiterate to the children that it is about the neatest work that they can produce, not their friends. It is about their progress and the work that they put in, not about comparing their work to other peoples. Each time I document those children who have had a turn to make sure that each child gets to experience success.

So far I have found that the children are very hopeful to receive the reward of the Brag tag and a turn on the ipads. Some children are taking more care with their work and if they are reminded they are following instructions better.

This app is great as I also can instruct children who need extra support in handwriting to use it during reading time as a rotation activity.